This was a very interesting exam. I liked the variation in question content, format, with a mixture of some math. I felt very focused the entire time and found it to be relatively simple, as a lot of it I feel as though we are learning now in maternity and pediatrics. As stated, the variety of content that we were being examined on was beneficial to me, as sometimes for lecture exams or pharmacology, it was hard to keep focus because all the concepts seemed so similar. I feel as though I spaced out my time accordingly and rarely went back to view or change an answer that I had selected. I did my best to read through every question and highlight the key parts needed to make accurate clinical judgments, and I feel as though that is what made me successful. I also believe that through doing these assessments on our own time, it allows autonomy and more confidence to make the correct decisions in the questions. I believe this practice assessment went very well, I honestly enjoyed the questions as they were so varied and it made me a little more comfortable narrowing down my answers!